August 7, 2023
Dear Mrs. Urška Gradišnik,
I would like to ask you about the invoice RK22-13937.
1. What is the 'Coli' in Packing?
2. Why didn't you cancel the invoice RK-13543 dated December 14, 2022
and send us a new invoice for 220 botlles of Expasol when you found out
that your company packed 20 more bottles of Expasol?
3. It is artificial that your company issued the invoice RK22-13937 signed
by Mr. Marjan Skočir not by the Director on December 21, 2022 to add
20 bottles of Expasol to 200 botlles of Expasol of the invoice RK22-13543.
4. The 20 bottles of Expasol were not delivered to our company, but to
the other A.P.S. Co., Ltd. I believe this was possible because of the
arrangement between your company, the other A.P.S. Co., Ltd. and the
customs broker.
Would you please reply with regard to the above matters?
Director & Pharmacist
Yoko Nakai